Mentorship Rhymes 4

26 Aug

Mentorship Rhymes  4


I hope I continue to write more and more to my mentees . . . but one word to all of them – collectively . . . . Thank you – truly thank you – for you define me J



Personally speaking . .


I’m so just a man

Quite ordinary except

I believed that I can

And never ever slept

And somehow so ran

With passion so swept

True to God’s plan

Every promise I kept . .


I’m so just a man

Quite ordinary except

My heart did scan

For everyone who wept

And to make them span

My being so leapt

So my love did fan

Into each heart crept . .


I’m so just a man

Quite ordinary except

I believed that you can

And never ever slept . .




Beat that no!


The world will sometimes simply say no

Whatever you do your class wont show

Thats the time for a momentary pause

Review the strategy, review the laws . .


Then return to the fray with awesome vigor

Full of passion and diligent rigor

Full of stamina and a quiet strength

Full of desire to go to just any length . .


The world will still try to trip and test

Don’t stop just believe you’re simply the best

Then will they all have to stand and applaud

Then will you create an edifice that awed!


The world will sometimes simply say no

Come beat that hurdle and surely you’ll grow!




Arrogant fools!


Arrogant success

Is temporary of course

The more you shout

The more you go hoarse

The more you preen

And wag your tail

The more you’re likely

To trip and fail . .


So arrogance parked

Focus the next goal

Challenge after challenge

So feed your soul

So arrogance eschewed

Humbly so rise

Tirelessly so step

Focussed on the prize!


Arrogant successes

Create arrogant fools

So the humbly determined

Eventually so rules!

Thus spake the Lord

At an arrogant one

Thy destiny’s to be

Burnt by thy own sun!




A mentor’s song . .


Higher than an eagle can you so fly

With the spirit of my wind beneath your wings

So do I dream that you’ll touch the sky

So does my heart to yours so sings

My heart and soul so with yours does merge

So does your spirit so lovingly surge!


Faster than a jet can you so speed

With the fuel of my passion burning in your centre

So are you reborn as a child of my creed

For I am your sun and your eternal mentor

Now you are one with my brilliant sunshine

Now we are joined by a life force divine!


Stronger than a gale can you impact the world

With the strength of my belief behind your flow

Successes so will ‘ve enthusiastically swirled

While you so shine with the most brilliant glow

So I do lead and our heart’s so dissolve

You perpetuate me as we together evolve!


Sweeter than a prayer can you so rise

With my humble devotion deep in your heart

So eternally passionate yet essentially wise

Sincerity reflecting in your energized art

That is then the future I offer your soul

Come walk with me so shall we both be whole!




Living my past life!


You are my child in my very image born

You’re living my life of so many years ago

I remember how many times my own heart was torn

I remember the sudden moments of ever loving glow …


I know your pain and the very effort you take

But you must face it yourself for your very own sake!


There were times when future seemed all in a cloud

There were days when the sun seemed ever so hot

Yet effort and courage somehow thinned the crowd

Somehow did life deliver the future I’d sought!


So shall it be yet its your own path to walk

Though I’m right there beside at adversity’s knock!


Let them knock but they won’t knock you down

That’s all the belief that you need in your heart

For as I did will you wear sweet victory’s crown

For you were born to further extend my art ….


Children so embellish the history parents wrote

So supported so guided but with their own load to tote!




A special connect !!


I stand ever straight

I stand so beside

For though I didn’t create

I am prepared to abide

And so whenever you feel any angst or pain

Come hold my hand and you shall smile again!


I called you a friend

And perhaps much more

And so I’m won’t to tend

Whenever your heart tore

And even if you feel I’m distant and far

Remember for you my heart is ever ajar!


So special are you

For our hearts did connect

Oh yes chosen few

Oh indeed select sect

So my heart will mirror whatever you feel

And as we connect so together shall we heal!


Yes the world will watch

And often so mind

Even call it debauch

Even attack from behind

Forgive them for jealousy is quite the norm

For they so feel cold when they see us so warm!


But do you realize

That quite something so divine

In friendship’s guise

Did our hearts and soul align

So even if you wonder don’t devalue the care

For just think how special is the bond we share!


And so life shall proceed

And so days shall pass

And as we become common creed

Of a superior class

Remember that to merge our lives were sworn

And thus in our hearts our destiny was born!


And finally to God in gratitude bowed

So shall we commit to remain ever avowed!




A quest for questions!


Questions so abound

Answers oh just none

Though often I’ve found

Even that’s a lot of fun!


For answers have drowned

All options but one

And questions astound

Create many a pun . .


So whenever I’ve frowned

And let questions run

Opportunities ‘ve unwound

Some magic has spun!


So while questions abound

Don’t kill ’em with a gun

For even answers so hound

And often insights so shun!


So with questions around

And calm thinking’s done

Evolution is then crowned

God smiles and you’ve won!



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