The power within!

26 Aug

This poem is based on and written after reading The Secret by Rhonda Bryne.

The power within!

Go deep within to the core of desire
And light that fire to fuel thy thought
As every thought thy actions do sire
You attract the results you really have sought

Such is the secret of how life doth flow

So do we prosper, progress and grow!

Positive desires create positive thought

Fear and pain create but the reverse

So its only our doing whate’er fate we brought

So we create our destiny for better or worse

Such wonder we possess to energize and glow

Such is the secret to beat every status quo!

Yes fear and pain create thoughts so dark

Yes dark thoughts create desires obtuse

Yet deep in each soul’s a golden memory’s spark

Wash away the dark with such a positive muse

I write for I learnt and thought you should know

God gave us this power our own glory to bestow!
. . .

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